Davis Polk partner Dominic Foulkes and counsel Freddie Schwier authored “Corporate re-domiciliation panel report: Potential impact on structuring inward bound re-domiciliation” in Tax...
Davis Polk partnered with the Public International Law & Policy Group to develop “Prosecuting War Crimes Against Cultural Property in Ukraine.” This resource explores the concept of c...
Davis Polk counsel and Environmental practice head Loyti Cheng and counsel David Zilberberg authored “Climate disclosure spotlight shifts to two California laws” in Law360. In the art...
Davis Polk counsel Mark Chalmers authored “Applying new FCA guidance on control of financial firms” in Law360. In the article, he provides background to the UK change-in-control regim...
Davis Polk partner Meyer Dworkin and associate Matthew Wiener authored “PIK interest: Negotiation and documentation considerations” in Thomson Reuters’ Practical Law.In the article,...
Davis Polk partner Dan Kahn and associate Maria Morris contributed to Global Investigations Review’s ninth edition of The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations. They authored ...
Davis Polk partner and Europe practice head Will Pearce and counsel Simon Little and Joe Scrace authored “What UK Takeover Code’s narrowed focus will mean for companies” in Law360. ...
Davis Polk partner and Infrastructure Finance practice co-head Elena Millerman, partner Chris Nairn-Kim, counsel Kailash Gupta and associates Julia Chen and Mostafa Al Khonaizi authored ?...
Davis Polk partner and ESG practice head Joe Hall and associates Boaz Goldwater and Justin Levine authored the United States chapter in the sixth edition of the Legal 500: Blockchain Comp...
Davis Polk partner Ken Steinberg, counsel Christopher Robertson and associates Timothy Oyen and Ethan Stern authored “DIP financing: Trends and developments” in Thomson ReutersPracti...